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Quarter Auction

What is a Quarter Auction? Upon arrival you will purchase a numbered "dog paddle." Auction items will be on display and all items will have a bid price of 1, 2, 3 or 4 quarters based on their value. The auctioneer will give a description of each item as it is up for bid. If interested, place the required number of quarters bid in the container provided and hold up a numbered "dog paddle." When all bids are collected the auctioneer will draw a number. If the number on a raised "dog paddle" matches the number drawn than that person wins the item. If the auctioneer draws a number of a "dog paddle" that is not raised, another will be drawn until there is a winner. Bid increments: 1 Quarter Bid – retail value up to $25.00; 2 Quarter Bid – value $25.01 to $50.00; 3 quarters Bid - value $50.01 to $75.00, 4 Quarter bid - $75.01 and up. Specialty items may differ on bid amount.


All Ruff-in Paddles (advance) $50.00, (at the door) $60.

* You will be able to raise your paddle for every item, without putting any quarters in the basket. There will be special items only available for All Ruff-In Paddles. 


Dog Paddles at Door $7.00 

Additional Paddles will be $4.00 each (as supply allows)

* Don’t forget to bring several rolls of quarters to be able to win the great items that are up for auction!

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